Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014

What restaurants near the MTC give missionaries a free meal before they enter the MTC?

-"Brick Oven gives them a free meal the day they enter the MTC." (801) 374-8800
I spoke with a manger and they give you a "sampler for free" - unlimited soup, salad, bread sticks, pasta
-IHOP in Orem by UVU
-The Pizza Factory (801) 812-0200
-Tucanos (801) 224-4774
-Chuck-a-Rama (Orem - (801) 225-9300) on Wednesday's Only  - this is closest to MTC
-Jamba Julice - free drink
-Golden Corral on University Parkway in Orem
-Pizza Pie Cafe
-Village Inn gives free pie
-Molly's in Provo
-"On Center Street in downtown Provo is a great Mexican restaurant that has a banner that says new missionaries eat free on Wednesday." from Sister Carlos
-"Los Hermanos, I believe on Center." (801) 375-5732
-Wingers (Provo location only (801) 812-2141)  - the lady I spoke to was confused, so I suggest you call 10% off??
-"Bellas Farr West in Ogden on your way if you are coming from the north to drop them off" Maree Cottam

If you know of more places, please share and we will add them to the list.

**please note that the free meal offer for a missionary can change at anytime.  We suggest you call and confirm before going.**

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Questions for your missionary on Christmas or Mothers Day


Are you excited to talk to your missionary on Christmas!??

Well, you should be. So what are you going to say on your missionary phone call? What will you ask your missionary? How can you spend your time best? What can you talk about without making them too homesick?

Well here are some great questions to help you help you help your missionary to keep their mind on the mission. This might help so that you don’t just cry the whole time and make them homesick.

1. When was the last time you laughed with your companion and why? What makes you laugh in your area? How do you stay light hearted?

2. What has your mission president been doing to inspire the mission? What do you love about your mission president?

3. Tell us in person about the last miracle you witnessed…When was the last time you saw an answer to prayer?

4. What do you like about your companion? Do have fun in  the work together?

5. Are there any inside jokes in your mission? What is your current mission theme right now?

6. How are your clothes holding up? How are your feet?

7. Have you found any new investigators from your past investigators in your area book?

8. What was your favorite meal from members during the mission so far?

9. Are there street vendors in your area? Do they offer good food? Do you snack during the day between lessons?

10. What has been your favorite P-day activity so far?

11. Do you do a lot of service in your area? What service projects have you done?

12. How many progressing investigators do you have right now? Any new ones since the last email?

13. How much do you work on retention in your area? Are there a lot of less active members?

14. What is your favorite smell in your area right now? Least favorite?

15. How often do you do laundry? When was the last time you washed your sheets?

16. What is music like in your ward? Does everyone sing? Does it sound good? Have you had to help with music?

17. What are some of the local sayings and interesting things people say in your area? (if they are in a foreign mission)

18. What’s the scariest thing that has happened to you so far where you have felt protected as a missionary?

19. What do most people do for work in your area or is it pretty mixed?

20. Share with us how has your testimony grown since leaving home? (In your mission language if you want). How has the atonement strengthened you as a missionary?

21. What should we do to be better missionaries at home while you are gone?

What are some other great questions that you will ask your missionary?

21 Questions to ask during your Christmas missionary call/Skype


10 Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field

The Message: Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field

Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field

Quite a few years ago I was in an airport and happened to meet some returning missionaries. Their families were there. They were picking up their baggage, and I said to one of them, “What’s all this you have?” He said, “These are gifts I am bringing home.” And that has given me the title of what I would like to share: “Gifts to Bring Home from the Mission Field.”

1. A knowledge of and love for God our Eternal Father and His Beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

“This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent” (John 17:3). There is no greater gift that comes to anyone in this world than a certain, reassuring conviction that God, our Eternal Father, lives and that Jesus is the Christ. I believe that. I think it is so very, very important.

2. A knowledge of and love for the scriptures, the word of the Lord.

As a missionary, I read each evening before going to bed a few chapters of the Book of Mormon, and there came into my heart a conviction which has never left: that this is the word of God, restored to the earth by the power of the Almighty, translated by the gift and power of God to the convincing of the Jew and the Gentile that Jesus is the Christ. I thank the Lord for the testimony which I have of the truth of the word of God as found in these sacred revealed books. And I would hope that every missionary would leave his or her field of labor with a conviction in his or her heart that these things are true.

3. An increased love for parents.

I have attended hundreds of missionary meetings over the years. I love to hear missionaries speak of their love for the Lord, but I also love to hear them speak with great appreciation and love concerning their parents. Boys who had been careless and indifferent stand on their feet and with tears in their eyes thank the Lord for their fathers and their mothers. In these days, what a salutary and wonderful thing it is to hear a strong young man stand up and speak with great feeling concerning his father and his mother, saying things he would never have said before in all of his life. Every boy and girl ought to come home with an increased love for parents.

4. A love for the people among whom they labor.

I love the English people. No one can sell the English short in my mind because I labored with them, I lived with them, I was in their homes at their firesides, I learned to know their hearts, and I learned to love them.
I have learned to love the people of Asia. I spent 11 years among them, and I love them. To me, I love them as much as I love anybody because of the experience I have had as a missionary, as it were, among them.
There’s something wrong if a missionary doesn’t come back with a great love for the people among whom he labored.

5. An appreciation for hard work.

Every missionary ought to come to realize that work, work, work is the key to getting things done, the key to success in life. There is no substitute for work, for getting up in the morning and getting at it and staying with it to get the job done. I don’t know of a greater asset for whatever lies ahead in life than the capacity to discipline oneself to work.

6. The assurance that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is available to each of us when we live for it.

The availability of inspiration—each of us, if we live for it, if we cultivate it, can have it. I love these great words of revelation, these words of promise: “God shall give unto you knowledge by his Holy Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift of the Holy Ghost” (D&C 121:26). What a precious gift to bring home—the assurance, the certainty that if we live for it, we have available to us that which comes by the power of the Holy Spirit.

7. An understanding of the importance of teamwork.

No one can do this work alone. We work in pairs. “In the mouth of two or more witnesses shall [all things] be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1). We work together. There is no place for prima donnas in the mission field. Our efforts are largely team efforts, and what a marvelous thing it is to learn to work with other people.

8. The value of personal virtue.

I think there is no greater thing concerning future integrity that a missionary can learn than the value of personal virtue. I think there are fewer words greater than the promise given under the inspiration of the Lord as set forth by the Prophet Joseph Smith: “Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly.” That’s the commandment. And then the promise: “Thy confidence [shall] wax strong in the presence of God” (D&C 121:45). That’s the promise to those who walk in virtue.

9. The faith to act.

“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way … that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth” (1 Nephi 3:7).
We ask tremendous things of missionaries. It is so hard for shy and diffident young people to do the things we sometimes ask them to do. But what a marvelous thing that they try. They have the faith to do, the faith to act, the faith to go forward and make the effort. And what a marvelous gift that is to bring home.

10. The humility to pray.

Recognize that there is a power greater than ours, that no matter how good a man is, he is not good enough, that no matter how wise he is, he is not wise enough, that no matter how strong he is, he is not strong enough for all of the things which he will face in life, and that there is a source of power to which he can go with the assurance that he will be listened to and that there will be a response.
These are 10 gifts that I would hope every missionary would bring home with him or her—not a lot of tinsel, not a lot of dolls, not a lot of rugs or furs or dresses or plates, but these great, enduring, wonderful things. God bless you to keep the faith, and while doing so, enjoy with great happiness that which you are called to do.

A big thanks TO Sandra Hall Jarvis for these AMAZING cards to send to your missionary with gift ideas!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Technology tips - record your entire video call for free AND GROUP Video Call in Skype

Technology tips on how NOT to waste precious time with technology.
A way to record your entire video call for free.

How to Make Video Calls on Skype



How To Make Group Video Call In Skype For Free 


How to video call with your missionary on Skype or Google Hangouts